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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Carswell, John, "Syrian Tiles from Sinai and Damascus." In Archaeology in the Levant: Essays for Kathleen Kenyon. Edited by Moorey, Roger//Parr, Peter. 269-296. Warminster: Aris and Phillips, 1978.
Subjects: Arts/Places--Sinai/Places--Damascus
2. Carswell, John, "A Fourteenth Century Chinese Porcelain Dish from Damascus." In American University of Beirut Festival Book (Festschrift). Edited by Sarrûf, Fûad//Tamim, Suha. 39-52. Beirut: The American University of Beirut, 1967.
Subjects: Arts/Foreign relations
3. Carswell, John, "The Baltimore Beakers." In Gilded and Enamelled Glass from the Middle East. Edited by Ward, Rachel. 61-63, 182-183, colour plate L. London: British Museum Press, 1998.
Subjects: Arts/Religion
4. Carswell, John, "Six Tiles." In Islamic Art in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Edited by Ettinghausen, Richard. 99-124. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1972.
Subjects: Arts
5. Carswell, John, "Archaeology and the Study of Later Islamic Pottery." In Islam and the Trade of Asia: A Colloquium. edited byRichards, D. S..63-65, pl.I-IV. Oxford: Bruno Cassirer, and Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1970.
Series: Papers on Islamic History, 2
Notes: Review see Ashtor; Ehrenkreutz; Labīb; Latham.
Subjects: Arts/Foreign relations
6. Carswell, John, "Taking a Stand." In Cairo to Kabul: Afghan and Islamic Studies Presented to Ralph Pinder-Wilson. Edited by Ball, Warwick//Harrow, Leonard. 62-64. London: Melisende, 2002.
Subjects: Arts/Foreign relations
7. Carswell, John. "Some Fifteenth-Century Hexagonal Tiles from the Near East." Victoria and Albert Museum Yearbook 3, (1972): 59-75.
Subjects: Arts
8. Carswell, John. "China and the Middle East." Oriental Art 45, 1 (1999): 2-14.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Arts
9. Carswell, John. "An Early Ming Porcelain Stand from Damascus." Oriental Art (n.s.) 12, 3 (1966): 176-182.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Arts
10. Carswell, John. "Beirut: The Future of the Past." National Museum News (London) 9 (1999): 19-22.
Subjects: Arts/Places--Beirut/Excavations
11. Carswell, John. "Two Tiny Turkish Pots -- Some Recent Discoveries in Syria." Islamic Art 2, (1987): 203-216, pls.XII-XIII.
Subjects: Arts
12. Carswell, John, Blue & White: Chinese Porcelain around the World. 208 pp.. London: British Museum Press, 2000.
Subjects: Arts/Foreign relations
13. Carswell, John, Blue and White: Chinese Porcelain and Its Impact on the Western World. 184 pp.. Chicago: The David and Alfred Smart Gallery, 1985.
Notes: Catalogue of an exhibition at the David and Alfred Smart Gallery, The University of Chicago, October 3-December 1, 1985. With contributions by Edward A. Maser and Jean McClure Mudge.
Subjects: Arts/Foreign relations
14. Carswell, John. "China and the Near East: The Recent Discovery of Chinese Porcelain in Syria." In The Westward Influence of the Chinese Arts from the 14th to the 18th Century, 20-25. University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies, 26-29 June 1972. London: Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art, [1973].
Series: Colloquies on Art & Archaeology in Asia, 3
Subjects: Foreign relations/Excavations/Arts
15. Carswell, John. "Two Tiny Turkish Pots: Some Recent Discoveries in Syria." In Ars Turcica, Akten des VI. Internationalen Kongresses für türkische Kunst, Edited by Kreiser, Klaus////, 460-467, pl.84. München, 3-7 September 1979. München: Editio Maris, 1987.
Notes: Text in vol.2; plate in vol.3.
Subjects: Arts
16. Carswell, John. Review of Bazaar to Piazza: Islamic Trade and Italian Art, 1300-1600 by Rosamond Mack. Cornucopia: Turkey for Connoisseurs 27, 5 (2002): 26–28.
Subjects: Arts/Foreign relations



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